Getting started and seen by your new customers

    This session will help you think creatively to generate the visibility and traction to establish your new business in the market.

    With thousands of new businesses launching every month and more information consumed around the clock than ever before, to get your start-up noticed, you will need to cut through the noise. We’re here to tell you that although it doesn’t necessarily require a large budget, it will require planning and the ability to seize the moment.

    Karen Campbell from The Small Awards will be on hand to outline some tips to help you identify what are the special and differentiating factors about your business, how you can get these messages out, and, most important of all, how to ensure those messages get noticed.

    The Small Awards showcase the variety and quality among small start-ups and Karen will be joined by Fran Gubbay, co-founder of Stamptastic, winners of Best Digital Business in 2019.

    When you have a clear voice about what your business does and what it stands for, it increases your chance of being heard. 18 months ago Fran decided that they as co-founders, and their personalities, needed to feature more in their business, which led to news interviews, new leads and a couple of awards as well.

    Listen in to learn some practical advice on how to make your own luck for exciting marketing opportunities.

    If this session is of interest then do also look at the earlier free-to-watch presentation at 09:45 – 10:30 on the latest consumer trends from market research analyst Mintel. This can help underpin any marketing strategy you develop for your business.


Fran Gubbay

Co-founder of Stamptastic

Karen Campbell

Small Business Saturday

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Inspiring Entrepreneurs: She's In CTRL by Dr Anne-Marie Imafidon MBE

This event is taking place at the British Library and will be live streamed.

For those joining us in person, the event will be following by a networking reception with drinks, canapés, where you can meet other attendees, as well as the speakers. There will also be the opportunity to enter a prize draw.

For those joining us online, the panel and talk will run from 18.00 – 20.00.

The tech industry has a leading figure in Dr Anne-Marie Imafidon MBE, who is a dynamic advocate for women in STEM and a champion of STEM in education.

This special event shows how her latest book, She’s In CTRL, is a guidebook for women to take back tech and to shine a light on the women in STEM daring to dream. It will empower readers make changes to the way tech can be improved, but how to get into the room where the decisions are made and create our own tech rooms.

Join us for an inspirational evening with innovators within technology speaking on a panel about the important role of women and diversity in STEM sectors. This panel talk is followed by an enlightening fireside chat with Anne-Marie to discuss her new book and share the stories of other pioneers and innovators who have, against the odds, transformed technology.

Also up for discussion will be a range of topics that will help you to:
Understand the reality of starting as a female in the STEM industry and the challenges of getting started
Learn how women in the tech industry are creating their own seat at the table or ‘tech rooms’ and what steps they took to do this
Learn which aspects of STEM are mostly inspiring and recruiting women today
Learn about which innovations our panel have seen arise since the pandemic that were specifically that were created by women and why they think these have arisen
Hear about new trends within the industry that are evolving and the areas that still need more women involved
Understand the growth in interest in tech amongst women globally, including across Africa and Asia
Learn about the future of tech/STEM with the rise of AI, VR and 3D printing

Photo credit Sam and Sam Photography 2022

Wellness Warriors: the women reshaping the health and fitness industry

Celebrate International Women’s Month with us at the British Library as we bring together an inspiring panel discussion with five boundary-breaking women entrepreneurs who are transforming the health and fitness industry. As part of our Inspiring Entrepreneurs series, this event provides a unique chance to hear from influential women business founders and put your questions to them.

Our ’wellness warriors’ will share their extensive experience of setting up and scaling personal training businesses, fitness apps, pioneering athletic wear brands and more. With the fitness industry valued at just under $100 billion globally last year* and with the Olympics fast approaching, these women have harnessed the booming interest in health and wellbeing to establish innovative brands, programmes and communities focused on empowerment and inclusivity.

Whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur curious about the landscape or an established founder looking to stay ahead of the curve, this session will leave you feeling inspired, informed and ready to take the next step.

*Statista, August 2023

On the day, you can expect to:

Gain valuable insights into the evolution of fitness entrepreneurship and innovations reshaping the health and wellbeing industryExplore emerging business models in health and fitness - from apps to in-person clubs to community-focused chainsDiscuss how businesses and individuals are supporting marginalised communities within the fitness industryAnalyse how fitness brands leverage social media, influencer marketing, and ecommerce to grow their audiencesUnderstand how fitness influencers build successful brands and e-commerce identitiesGet answers to your specific questions to propel you forward in your business journey.


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